Introduction to the constitution of libertas

Every Freemasonry – in all its different forms and expressions – is based on the five leitmotifs "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity, Tolerance and Humanity" and aims to promote these ideals in human society. Each of these motifs appeals to the individual Freemason individually and should be expressed in his attitude and actions. In addition, the first two motifs in particular are of especial importance with regard to this Constitution. Just as comprehensive rights to freedom and equality are the basis of every liberal constitutional state, they must also, and especially so, shape the constitution of every true Masonic organization and thereby achieve their validity. This is the only way to give them their real legitimacy and to create an environment in which open, peaceful and constructive cooperation becomes possible.

Arising out of its Masonic claim, and aware of the special responsibility that derives from its naming, the Grand Lodge LIBERTAS has created for itself a Constitution that – in addition to overcoming international and gender boundaries – considers itself particularly committed to these principles of freedom and equality.


The principle of equality is to be realised, among other things, through the consistent implementation of democratic principles. These include free (and thus secret) elections and free candidacy for all Grand Lodge offices, as well as democratically legitimized decision-making processes. It is to be further realised through the widest possible separation of powers between the Board of the Lodge (as an organ of the Executive) and the general assembly in the Grand Lodge Day (as an organ of the Legislature). Particular attention was paid to the separation of offices, persons and powers, both between the organs of the Grand Lodge and between the Grand Lodge and Member Lodges; this being in order to avoid conflicts of interest and accumulation of offices and to establish a cooperative principle of mutual support and monitoring.

The requirement for freedom is to be realised by designing the Grand Lodge as a supporting umbrella organization. Where interventions of the Grand Lodge in the autonomy of the Lodges are necessary and unavoidable for practical reasons (e.g. in the regulation of contributions, in the admission or exclusion of members or in aspects of Masonic work), the decision-making power lies with the Grand Lodge Day as an assembly of the Member Lodges. Otherwise, it is an explicit aim of this Constitution to leave the regulation of internal affairs as far as possible within the independent responsibility of the Member Lodges (i.e. the subsidiarity principle). This includes among other things a far-reaching freedom of ritual for the Lodges. In addition, the requirement of freedom finds its expression in the fact that second memberships are regarded as a welcome expression of diversity. Therefore, additional memberships in other Lodges (inside or outside LIBERTAS) are not restricted, nor are membership in other associations, provided they do not contradict Masonic values or damage the reputation of Freemasonry or the Grand Lodge. 

Aware that the establishment of principles of freedom and equality is only the first step in implementing and enforcing them, but requires the pursuit of a never-ending path, the Grand Lodge LIBERTAS adopted this Constitution in October 2021 and began work on it.

Dr. Michael Reske (MvSt. 2021-22) Jacques de Molay